This is a bell kit we put together for those who want to DIY a web-based bell system with our Netbell controller. This kit can be used with our Netbell-8Netbell-4K and Netbell-2 bell controllers.

Kit includes:
1. One 6 inch 12 VDC grey signal bell, this bell is in Die Cast Aluminum Enclosure, Volume: >= 86dB, Weight: 900g, color: grey
2. One weatherproof back box for the bell, color: grey
3. One power supply, IN:100~240VAC, OUT:12V1A, DC CORD UL2468 20# , L=1.5M 5.5*2.1*11
4. 3 meter power cable to connect the bell to the controller.

There is no controller for scheduling and operating for this bell kit, you need the Netbell-2 controller

School, factory, warehouse break bell - add-on standard bell

6 INCH 12 VOLT DC Bell Kit

  • Product Code: BELL-KIT
  • U.O.M: ea
  • Price: $549.00 (GST Excl.)

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